I am extremely proud to announce that Mobile Edge has won the 2010 Mobile Electronics Retailer of the Year Award! The awards ceremony happened at the MERA Knowledgefest event held in Dallas Texas on October 10. We made the top 5 last year, but this year we took home the big prize! This is the Oscar of the mobile electronics industry! The Super Bowl of autosound stores! The ….. Well you get it… It is a really big deal in our industry and a small shop from a small town in Eastern PA took the top prize!
Kyle, Mitch, and Bob with the Retailer of the Year Trophy
Mobile Edge was up against the Best of the Best. Shops from Salt Lake City, Independence, Daytona Beach, and a 358,000 square foot store with 1000 employees in suburban Chicago! Obviously, this award was not based on sales volume! What it was based on was sound business practices, outstanding customer service and quality installations. After being nominated in the Spring, we were notified that we made the top 10 earlier this Summer. We then put together a detailed package that describes our operations. We explained everything from our customer service policies to the way we promote our store. The judges used this information and did their own research to reach a decision. I was very happy and surprised to find that their decision was Mobile Edge of Lehighton, PA, Population 5537. This says a lot for the viability of small town, local business!
On a personal note, I want to say that there is no way that we would have won this without the dedicated and talented crew that I have. Bob Mickonis is the backbone of the business. He is my right hand man. I couldn’t do this without him. Kyle Silliman is a professional installer. He has been with us for over 5 years and has learned this business from the ground up. He is a great asset to Mobile Edge. And let’s not forget about Betty Jean Hall who makes sure that the bills are paid, customers are called and the inventory is straight! Finally, I want to thank our customers who have been loyal to us since we opened the doors in 1994. This was truly an honor and I realize that our customers are what make it all happen!
The awards were presented by Mobile Electronics Magazine, a long time industry trade magazine. Peggy Finnley from K40 and Tony Frangiosa from Installernet presented the awards. Check out a dark and grainy video of Mobile Edge being announced the winner below.
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