As a wife, mom and businesswoman myself, I think every woman deserves to have a remote starter installed in her vehicle. Most of you will find that it gets used year-round. Remote starters are also 100% safe and convenient, and will save you precious time. Mobile Edge can easily install one of these systems in just about any car.
Warming Up In The Summer
When the temperatures get up into the 90s and 100s each summer, you’ll be so grateful for your remote starter. In these temperatures, the steering wheel, leather seats and metal seatbelt can be hot to the touch. Your makeup may also start running as a result of the heat inside your vehicle. If you have little kids, you’ve probably heard many screams and complaints about how hot the car is.
Imagine pushing a button 10–15 minutes before you leave so that, by the time you walk out to your car, the interior is already nice and cool for you and your passengers.
Freezing Winters
The same goes for the cold winters. When temperatures get below freezing, you often will find frost on your windshield in the mornings. Sometimes it can take 10 minutes to scrape it off just so you can drive the kids to school. With a remote starter, all you have to do is start your vehicle from inside the house by the push of a button, and your car begins warming up while the frost melts away. Not having to run outside to scrape the windshield will give you more time to get yourself and/or your kids ready for the day. Everybody loves saving time, especially in the morning!
Safety And Convenience
More great features about a remote starter are safety and convenience. If you start your car with a key and leave it running, someone can easily get in it and drive off. With a remote starter, your keys remain indoors with you and your vehicle remains locked. If you choose to remote start your car at work before you drive home, you can be assured it will be safe. The same goes at the grocery store if you choose to start your vehicle while you check out; your car will be cooling off and all of your belongings inside it will remain secure. The convenience of keyless entry may be the icing on the cake, especially when your hands are full.
Smartphone Remote Starter Control
The DroneMobile is a great option to consider if you choose to have a remote starter installed. Instead of having a key fob on your key ring, you will have an app on your phone that will control everything. The Drone also works from any distance, so you could actually start your vehicle from the other side of the country if you wanted to.
Every Woman Needs A Remote Starter!
The team at Mobile Edge invites you to stop by their store to discuss the remote starter options available to you. Mobile Edge is conveniently located in Lehighton, PA.
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